How do I make authentic handmade
Confederate flags? I use very strong, color safe (colors do
not run when wet) 100% cotton fabric sewn with 100% cotton thread. I
wash the fabric before I construct the flag. Each component is sewn,
nothing is printed, painted nor embroidered. My flags are handmade,
not "hand sewn". Confederate standard issue flags were machine sewn,
not hand sewn. Southern ladies sometimes made hand sewn flags
for units from their area. Made with love, by me, in Dixie.
Can you get a custom authentic handmade Confederate flag?
Contact us. Please include relevant
information such as size, color, letters, etc. about the flag you want
made. Please supply a photo or sketch if you have one. We will
quote you a price.
Why do I make authentic handmade Confederate flags? The
fervent wish of President Jefferson Davis was to preserve the true motives
and courage of the Confederate soldier. He asked Southerners to
"keep their memory green" or to keep their memory alive. I dedicate
my work to heroes of all races, including African Americans, Asians and
Hispanic, who wore the gray. It is my hope that their memory will
remain green.
Those whose heart is filled with hate for
another race are alien to the Kingdom of God. We ask all who have
such hate to please leave our web site. We do not want to serve
would point you to the Lord Jesus Christ and remind you of what
the Bible teaches in Revelation 5:9-10 about the Lamb of God.
"And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book,
and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed
us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people,
and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and
we shall reign on the earth."
John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto him, I am
the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but
by me”.
On June 15, 1882, the Reverend Robert Lewis
Dabney gave a commencement speech for Hampden Sydney College in
Virginia. He chose as his subject, “The New
South.” Below is an excerpt from that address.
“It behooves the New South, in
dismissing the animosities of the past, to see to it that they retain
all that was true in its principles or ennobling in its example. There
are those pretending to belong to this company who exclaim: ‘Let us
bury the dead past. Its issues are all antiquated, and of no more
practical significance. Let us forget the passions of the past. We are
in a new world. Its new questions alone concern us.’ I rejoin: Be sure
that the former issues are dead before you really bury them! There are
issues that cannot die without the death of the people, of their
honor, their civilization and their greatness. Take care that you do
not bury too much, while burying the dead past: that you do not bury
the inspiring memories of great patriots, whose actions, whether
successful or not, are the eternal glory of your race and section; the
influence of their virtues, the guiding precedents of their histories.
Will you bury the names and memories of a Jackson and Lee, and their
noble army of martyrs? Will you bury true history whose years are
those of the God of Truth?”
“There is one point on which you insist too little, which is vital to
the young citizens of the South. This is, that he shall not allow the
dominant party to teach him a perverted history of the past contests.
This is a mistake of which you are in imminent peril. With all the
astute activity of their race, our conquerors strain every nerve to
pre-occupy the ears of all America with the false version of affairs,
which suits the purposes of their usurpation. With a gigantic sweep of
mendacity, this literature aims to falsify or misrepresent everything;
the very facts of history, the principles of the former Constitution
as admitted in the days of freedom by all statesmen of all parties;
the very essential names of rights and virtues and vices. The whole
sway of their commercial and political ascendancy is exerted to fill
the South with this false literature. Its sheets come up, like the
frogs of Egypt, into our houses, our bed chambers, our very kneading
troughs. Now, against this deluge of perversions I solemnly warn young
men of the South, not for our sakes, but for their own. Even if the
memory of the defeated had no rights; if historical truth had no
prerogatives; if it were the same to you that the sires whose blood
fills your veins, and whose names you bear, be written down as
traitors by the pen of slanderous history, still it is essential to
your own future that you shall learn the history of the past truly.”